Here are just a few examples of the kinds of comments I receive from clients:
The last thing we needed was critical commentary replete with unmerited positive accolades. Your critique was certainly not that! Your observations and comments were well founded and I was particularly grateful for the precise guidance you included.
-FP, university engineering researcher
Mitch, the proposal you reviewed was funded by NASA but not through SBIR! I really appreciate your inputs. They made my proposal competitive with others from Lockheed and Northrop.
-MS, small business owner
You are amazingly efficient at this. I serve on several review panels and have for years, but can’t speed through proposals and pick out essentials nearly so fast.
-DE, university professor and entrepreneur
Please use Mitch; exploit Mitch! We must try and assure that he stays working for us. Support for [redacted] would be a good thing for us all.
-GB, NASA scientist
Impressive job. You are amazingly helpful! You were tough, but that was needed. You are impressive and I think you should raise your rates—except not to us!
-CM, R&D and strategic consultant
Mentoring and educating is the only way we will move forward with some of these small companies. We appreciate your contributions. You are quite a resource for this area. Glad you decided to land here!
-MB, university tech transfer officer
You do awesome reviews and the proposers always have great things to say about the process. It’s nice to work with someone so competent!
-CP, director, technology research and development center
Mitch was key to our successful bid in an extremely competitive environment. We would not have won without his efforts.
-CB, director, university-based, federally funded research center
“Mitch is to be congratulated for his stellar leadership as chairman of the board for the past several years. Under his leadership we have, collectively, made many improvements to the process and procedures associated with conducting the board’s business. Dr. Hobish, as a man of great personal integrity, has helped make our operations more accountable and transparent…How refreshing to have had him serve on the board; we personally thank him for the endless hours of his time devoted to the board’s work…”
-SN, EH, EP, board and community members
Thank you for your work on this report. It’s a pleasure working with you!”
– CR, Director, NASA-sponsored Earth sciences research center